Custom GPTs: A Curated List of Best GPTs

Custom GPTs are now accessible for free users of ChatGPT.

At the end of last year, OpenAI introduced a new feature allowing paid subscribers to craft their own custom versions of ChatGPT called GPTs, leading to a surge in tools developed by the community.

This development marked a significant step in the evolution of ChatGPT for everyone interested in automating tasks, as it empowered individuals to create AI-based tools without delving into coding intricacies.

Below is the list of 40+ best custom GPTs. To take full advantage of these GPTs, a paid subscription to OpenAI is required. However, free ChatGPT users can also use them now but with limited access.

While exploring the possibilities these custom GPTs offer, it’s beneficial to note that they serve as inspiring examples of what custom and personalized GPTs can achieve.


The list of custom GPTs is neatly categorized into 6 sections:

Now, free ChatGPT users can also access Custom GPTs of OpenAI but with limited use. To continue using Custom GPTs after the limit set for free users expires, you need to upgrade to the plus subscription plan of ChatGPT.

GPTs for Students: Ease the Burden of Complexity

AI Tutor

Homework Helper

This academic custom GPT helps students with homework by offering explanations, solutions, and learning resources. It can be accessed via

Science Tutor

This GPT is customized specifically to support you in understanding various scientific subjects and topics. You can access it at

Virtual Librarian

Virtual Librarian GPT recommends books and guides you with scholarly insights based on your preferences. It’s available at

Language Learner

This tool has been customized to facilitate language learners in learning new languages through interactive and conversational exercises. Language learner can be used at

Analytics GPTs: Analyze GSC Keywords and Analytics Tool

GPTs for Data Analysis

GSC Keyword Ranking Changes Scatter Plot

Introduced by Marie Haynes, this innovative tool utilizes GPT to create a scatter plot visualizing keyword rankings before and after updates. A valuable GPT for SEOs, providing insights into the impact of updates on keyword performance. If you’re a paid user of OpenAI, access it at

GA4 Commander

In the world of analytics, Scott Hendison introduces the GA4 Commander. This custom GPT tool is tailored to provide users with systematic guidance through the intricacies of Google’s analytics tool, GA4.

Furthermore, the GA4 Commander conveniently links users to relevant documentation, offering a comprehensive resource for mastering the functionalities of Google Analytics. This custom tool is available at

SEO AI Tools or GPTs: Navigating the Subjectivity of SEO

SEO AI Tools

Competitive Analysis AI

For a tailored competitive edge, this tool delves into the specifics of your industry. Users are prompted to share their industry background, a competitor list, and details of the SEO areas requiring attention.

By customizing insights based on contextual information, this tool offers a comprehensive view of your competitive landscape, ensuring a strategic approach to SEO. You can utilize it at

On-Page SEO Analyzer

Streamlining your SEO efforts, the On-page SEO analyzer simplifies the process. By providing a URL and your chosen keywords, this tool conducts a thorough on-page SEO analysis. You can access this custom GPT at

However, it’s crucial to remember that the efficacy of any tool is intricately tied to the mindset of its creator. SEO, often perceived as objective, is inherently subjective. Therefore, the alignment of the tool creator’s SEO philosophy with yours determines the tool’s perceived utility.

SEO Analyzer

Covering a spectrum of SEO aspects, this tool goes beyond the basics. It conducts SEO analysis, website audit, and competitive analysis while providing tailored SEO recommendations.

To unlock its potential, users input key information, including your website URL, competitor URLs, your SEO goals and challenges, access to analytics data, a brief description of the current SEO strategy, and details about the target keywords and audience. This analyzer can be found at

Content Quality GPTs: Elevating Your Content with Custom GPTs

Content GPTs

SearchQualityGPT – Content Analysis for EEAT

Designed to scrutinize content alignment with Google’s core concepts of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT), this custom GPT opens the door to insightful evaluations.

An intriguing prospect lies in testing this tool on top-ranked content within the health and finance niches. Unveiling the tool’s perspective on such content could provide valuable insights into its perceived EEAT standing. Access this tool at

Content Helpfulness & Quality SEO Analyzer

A custom GPT created by Aleyda Solis (LinkedIn profile) focuses on assessing and comparing competitor content against your own.

This tool employs a dual-pronged analysis, evaluating how closely the content aligns with both Google’s guidelines for helpfulness and quality, as well as its relevance to targeted search queries. Find this custom GPT at

I’m Offended Bot 

This GPT tool helps you detect any possible offensive language whether implied unconsciously by you in your content. This tool suggests the possibility for GPTs to support examining social media posts for brand safety. You can utilize this GPT at

AI Content GPTs: Crafting Intelligent Content Solutions

AI Content GPTs

ChatSEO – Drafts and Enhances Content

A versatile GPT, ChatSEO not only aids in content improvement but also assists in drafting new content. Bridging the gap between refining existing material and creating fresh, impactful content. Available at:


Specializing in “SEO-optimized article writing,” ArticleGPT promises expertly crafted content tailored for search engine visibility. A noteworthy tool for those seeking well-optimized articles that align with SEO best practices. Check it here:

Content Curation

Addressing diverse content needs, this tool generates content based on specified parameters. Whether it’s trending news, listicle articles, or insights into recently launched SaaS tools, Content Curation offers tailored content creation. Access it via

Article Expert

Like ArticleGPT, this tool excels in producing SEO-optimized content. Distinguishing itself with AI-generated images accompanying the content, it adds an extra layer of visual appeal to the SEO-optimized articles. Utilize this custom GPT at

We’ve Pro ChatGPT copywriting prompts for you. They can help you in writing an expert copy.

Quiz Master

Injecting a creative twist into content generation, Quiz Master crafts multiple-choice questions based on submitted content.

This sparks inspiration for a different custom GPT envisioning one that analyzes content to compile a list of questions answered by each content block.

Such kind of tools can be a helpful resource for teachers. Quiz Master is available at

Article Assistant

Promising efficiency, Article Assistant handles research for articles based on user instructions. Users can request articles on diverse topics, such as recent tech innovations or fun trends, allowing for personalized content creation. You can use this tool here:

We’ve also built a custom GPT called AI Writer for you. It produces well-researched articles and shares the citation to validate the content it generates.

Viral Hooks Generator

Focusing on sentence and phrase construction, this tool provides engaging snippets ideal for articles and social media. While it doesn’t generate complete articles, it offers valuable content hooks for attention-grabbing posts. Available at:


Tailoring content creation, StyleMaster analyzes submitted content samples to replicate their writing style. By uploading examples, users can guide the tool to generate content in a specific style, enhancing consistency. Use it at

Master Sorry

When you need to make an apology for wrongdoing, Master Sorry is here for you. This GPT creates refined and thoughtful apology letters customized to your specific situation. Whether it’s “I cheated on my wife,” This GPT will create a remorseful letter for you that might help you restore your relations. Access this GPT at

Magic Writer – Article Writer

Positioning itself as an “SEO-optimized Writer Buddy,” Magic Writer offers assistance in crafting content optimized for search engines. A companion for content creators aiming for SEO excellence. It can be found here:

Blog Expert – Blog Post Writer

Designed for the blogosphere, this tool specializes in crafting engaging and informative blog posts. A valuable companion for bloggers seeking AI-generated content aligned with their niche. Explore this tool via

Recipe Generator

This custom tool generates distinctive recipes based on dietary preferences or specified ingredients. The recipe generator can be found at

Songwriter Assistant

It composes lyrics and music for you, offering valuable suggestions for melodies and song structures. Explore it via

Poetry Composer

This custom GPT facilitates writing poetry by suggesting lines, styles, and structures. Accessed at

Here’s a list of 50 customized ChatGPT prompts for writing a poem, you can try these prompts to write poetry in a far more better way.

Additionally, You can use our AI Poem Generator to create poems of different structures and genres. With this custom GPT, you can generate countless poems without paying a single penny. Great, isn’t it!

Fact Checker

This GPT has been created to verify the accuracy of information and helps in differentiating between factual and fake or deceptive content. Use this tool at

Resume Builder

It helps in writing professional resumes by offering a specific structure, suggestions, and formatting. Build your resume at

News Summarizer

This custom tool summarizes news articles for you by offering concise and quick overviews of current events. Help yourself summarize news at

Advisor GPTs: Save Your Budget for Costly Consultants

Advisor GPTs

Expert AI Consultant

The GPT bot provides guidance on the integration of AI in any potential business apparently seems far away from the involvement of AI. It gives you a thorough plan to automate any business or the processes in any business. Find your expert AI consultant at

Legal Advisor

It offers a fundamental level of legal guidance and information on common legal queries. Take legal aid at

I’ve composed a comprehensive guide on how a Lawyer can use ChatGPT effectively for his legal tasks. If you’re a Lawyer or heading towards becoming one, this guide is a must-read for you.

Style Advisor

It gives styling and fashion tips centered on current trends or on your personal preferences. Find this GPT here:

Home Decorator

This GPT tool offers unique and attractive ideas for interior design and home decoration. You can access this tool at

Career Advisor

It helps you with advice on career choices, professional progress, and job search strategies. Usee your paid subscription to ChatGPT and find this custom tool at

Pet Care Advisor

This custom AI tool advises on pet training, care, and health. It can be accessed at

Mental Health Companion

It supports and advises on mental well-being, plus stress management practices. Find it at

Fitness Coach

This GPT aids with personalized workout routines and fitness & nutritional advice. Available at:

Weather Artist GPT

If you’re planning a trip for yourself or your dear ones, Weather GPT is your very helpful companion. It offers weather forecasts interactively and engagingly by presenting weather illustrations. Access at

Travel Planner

It generates thorough travel itineraries as well as helps with travel tips. Explore this tool at

Event Planner

This GPT helps you in the planning of your events by offering suggestions for logistics, themes, and coordination. Use this custom GPT here:

Business Strategy Consultant

It advises on business operations, strategy, and marketing. Make use of this GPT via

Marketing Assistant

As obvious from its name, this custom tool assists you in generating promotional content and developing marketing strategies. Utilize it at

If you’re a marketing person and seeking to automate your tasks with ChatGPT, why not try our AI marketing tools like marketing strategy generator, sales letter generator, etc.

Coding Assistant

It helps you in your coding tasks by providing guidance on the challenges you encounter while coding such as solving bugs, explaining code snippets, etc. Check it out at

You can also explore 100 coding prompts that help you instruct ChatGPT like a Pro coder. You can use these coding prompts in a custom GPT like Coding Assistant or in Free ChatGPT to enhance the productivity of ChatGPT to perform your coding tasks.

Personal Budget Planner

It assists in managing personal financial planning and budgeting. You can find this tool at

Personal Shopper

It provides you with shopping advice and product recommendations built on your personal likings and requirements. Find your personal shopper GPT through

Final Thoughts

These customized AI tools are the catalysts for revolutionary change in various fields. OpenAI’s efforts to make AI accessible for all is a step in the new era of development where everyone including students, teachers, content creators, the SEO community, and businesses can have custom GPTs for personalized solutions to their challenges.

With the non-stop development in the field of AI, we expect more and more innovational tools and applications emerging, and the increased involvement of AI in every field of life.

Albert Haley

Albert Haley

Albert Haley, the enthusiastic author and visionary behind ChatGPT4Online, is deeply fueled by his love for everything related to artificial intelligence (AI). Possessing a unique talent for simplifying intricate AI concepts, he is devoted to helping readers of varying expertise levels, whether they are newcomers or seasoned professionals, in navigating the fascinating realm of AI. Albert ensures that readers consistently have access to the latest and most pertinent AI updates, tools, and valuable insights. His commitment to delivering exceptional quality, precise information, and crystal-clear explanations sets his blogs apart, establishing them as a dependable and go-to resource for anyone keen on harnessing the potential of AI. Author Bio