Coding Prompts: Turning ChatGPT into Your Coding Assistant

Coding Prompts

Are you fed up with trying simple and very basic kinds of coding prompts and want to learn how to highly customize your coding prompts to turn ChatGPT into your coding assistant?

You’re at the right place! We’re going to dig deeper into the process of customizing ChatGPT prompts for coding to make them quite suitable for your different programming needs.

Incorporating ChatGPT into your coding toolkit can be a game-changer, enabling you to find errors in your code and whip up coding programs without endless searches on platforms like Stack Overflow.

For a productivity boost that can speed up your coding projects by up to 20 times, I present to you a curated list of 100 best coding prompts for leveraging ChatGPT’s potential.

While reading and practising these prompts, you’ll not only understand these prompts but also experience the ways you can tailor prompts for your specific needs.

100 ChatGPT Coding Prompts

ChatGPT 4 online brings a multitude of possibilities to the table, particularly in the world of programming.

Why do I endorse ChatGPT for programming? Simply put, it’s the premier AI tool for coding, bug identification, and more.

But, to unlock its full potential, you need the right prompts—these are not as simple to craft as they may seem.

Fret not! We’ve compiled an amazing array of coding prompts tailor-made for ChatGPT. These prompts can be your gateway to effortlessly generating code or achieving your desired output.

chatgpt prompts for coding

Let’s dive right in!

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Code Generation

You can use ChatGPT in the following ways to assist you in crafting code tailored to your specific needs.

1- Asynchronous Task Handler

Implement a snazzy [language] function to seamlessly handle [task] asynchronously. The specified [input variables] should effortlessly produce an output aligning with [output description].

2- Data Filtering Excellence

Script a [language] function that expertly filters a [data structure] based on specific [conditions], taking [input variables], and delivering an output as [output description] defines.

3- Microservices Magic

Develop a sleek [language] microservice catered to [domain]. Let it shine with carefully designed endpoints for [operations list] while following the best [design pattern] practices.

4- Parsing Wizardry

Craft a [language]-based script to seamlessly parse [file format], expertly extracting essential [information], adhering to these specified [requirements].

5- Algorithmic Expertise

Architect an ingenious [language] algorithm, employing the power of [strategy or technique], to resolve [problem] like a true coding expert.

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Bug Detection

ChatGPT can detect bugs in your code. Following are the highly tailored prompts you can utilize to uncover the various types of sneaky bugs in your code.

6- Resource Leak Investigation

Investigate the provided [language] code for any signs of resource leaks. If detected, suggest appropriate fixes to seal those leaks: [Your Code Snippet Here].

7- SQL Injection Vulnerability Check

Review the provided [language] code with a critical eye to spot lurking SQL injection vulnerabilities [Your Code Snippet Here].

8- Logic Error Hunt

Your mission is to locate any logic errors in the provided [language] code snippet: [Your Code Snippet Here].

9- Deadlock Dilemma Detection

Analyze the given [language] code to unveil any potential deadlock issues that could trouble its system: [Your Code Snippet Here].

10- Performance Pitfall Scanning

Dive into the given [language] code and be on the lookout for potential performance bottlenecks that might be hiding: [Your Code Snippet Here].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Code Completion

Just fill in the blanks and you can transform your code into a masterpiece using these prompts in ChatGPT.

11- Data Transformation Excellence

Finish the [language] code to elegantly convert your [data structure] into the desired [output format]: [Your Code Snippet Here].

12- Design Pattern Domination

Complete the [language] implementation of the renowned [design pattern] for a specific [use case]: [Your Code Snippet Here].

13- Multithreading Expertise

Complete the [language] implementation of a powerful multithreading solution to tackle the [problem] with finesse: [Your Code Snippet Here].

14- Caching Magic

Fulfil the missing parts of [language] code to ingeniously implement a caching mechanism for the given function: [Your Code Snippet Here].

15- File Parsing Brilliance

Accomplish the [language] code to skillfully parse [file format], getting valuable [information]: [Your Code Snippet Here].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Code Review

You can also use ChatGPT for a thorough code review to refine and elevate your code’s quality by using the following prompts.

16- Scalability Spectrum Scan

Review the provided [language] code, evaluating its scalability potential. Identify areas that might hinder scaling and suggest improvements: [Your Code Snippet Here].

17- Compatibility Checkpoint

Evaluate the following [language] code for compatibility with the specified [platform or technology], ensuring seamless integration: [Your Code Snippet Here].

18- Code Smell Elimination

Analyze the provided [language] code, identify any code smells, and propose enhancements to ensure pristine, efficient code: [Your Code Snippet Here].

19- Test Coverage Assessment

Assess the test coverage of the provided [language] code, ensuring that it undergoes comprehensive testing to fortify its reliability: [Your Code Snippet Here].

20- Monitoring and Logging Mastery

Scrutinize the [language] code for proper monitoring and logging practices, ensuring a robust tracking system for potential issues: [Your Code Snippet Here].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Code Refactoring

The following ChatGPT prompts focus on refining and elevating your code quality, ensuring it meets the highest standards of testability, architecture, memory usage, error handling, and design principles.

21- Error Handling and Resilience Refactoring

Refactor the following [language] code to improve error handling and resilience, ensuring the application gracefully handles unexpected situations: [code snippet].

22- Testability-Enhancing Refactoring

Suggest refactoring improvements for the provided [language] code to enhance its testability without compromising functionality: [code snippet].

23- Memory Usage Optimization

Optimize the provided [language] code to reduce memory usage while maintaining its functionality and efficiency: [code snippet].

24- Architecture Pattern Integration

Detect opportunities to apply the [architecture pattern] in the specified [language] code to enhance its structure and maintainability: [code snippet].

25- SOLID and Design Principles Compliance

Suggest changes to the provided [language] code, aligning it with the [SOLID or other design principles] to enhance maintainability and scalability: [code snippet].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Code Translation

If you want to transcend language barriers by efficiently translating and adapting code across different programming languages while preserving design patterns, performance, and adherence to conventions, the below coding prompts are for you.

26- Method Translation for Specific Task:

Translate the following [source language] method that performs [specific task or operation] to the [target language]: [code snippet].

27- Code Translation with Design Pattern

Translate the provided [source language] code that employs [design pattern] to the [target language], ensuring design pattern continuity: [code snippet].

28- Data Processing Pipeline Conversion

Convert the given [source language] data processing pipeline to the [target language], ensuring seamless data flow and functionality: [code snippet].

29- Code Snippet Adaptation to Target Language Conventions

Adapt the provided [source language] code snippet to the [target language] while following the framework or library conventions of [target language]: [code snippet].

30- Data Structure Implementation Rewrite

Rewrite the provided [source language] data structure implementation in the [target language] while maintaining equivalent performance attributes: [code snippet].

31- Database/Service Interaction Migration

Migrate the specified [source language] code that interacts with [database or service] to the [target language] while ensuring compatibility with a similar database or service: [code snippet].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Technical Writing

These customized coding prompts are for creating insightful and informative technical documents to guide developers in integrating, deploying, and understanding various aspects of programming.

32- Deployment and Scaling Guide

Write a stepwise guide on deploying and scaling [application or service] in [platform or cloud], ensuring a seamless deployment process.

33- Comparison and Evaluation Guide

Build a comparison or evaluation guide for different [frameworks, libraries, or tools] in [programming technology or language], aiding developers like me in informed decision-making.

34- README File for Project

Prepare a README file for a [programming technology or language] project, encompassing contribution guidelines and a clear project roadmap.

35- Integration Tutorial

Create a tutorial on how to integrate [library or service] with [programming technology or language], providing a step-by-step guide and best practices.

36- Programming Concept Explanation

Explain clearly and concisely the [programming technique or concept] and its applications in [domain or industry], simplifying a complex topic.

If you want to understand the complete process of prompt engineering from basics to advanced level to enable yourself to prompt effectively, here you can learn Prompt Engineering.

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Data Visualization

A programmer’s journey of data visualization, creating and enhancing visualizations for better comprehension, highlighting key insights, enabling user interaction, and strategizing to present complex or large-scale data in a user-friendly manner is incomplete without these coding prompts in the world of AI.

37- Enhancing Data Visualization for Readability

Recommend enhancements to existing data visualization for improved readability and better understanding, offering insightful modifications: [visualization description or URL].

38- Creating Data Visualization from Dataset

Create a data visualization based on the provided dataset description or URL, presenting the data in an informative and visually appealing manner: [dataset description or URL].

39- Interactive Data Visualization for Exploratory Analysis

Generate an interactive data visualization in [language or library] that permits users to explore [specific relationships or trends] within the dataset, promoting data exploration.

40- Designing a Dashboard for Key Insights

Craft a dashboard or data visualization that effectively emphasizes [key insights or patterns] within the following dataset, focusing on clarity and succinctness: [dataset description or URL].

41- Strategizing Data Visualization for User-Friendly Experience

Design a data visualization strategy for a [mobile/web] app to present [complex or large-scale] data, ensuring an intuitive and user-friendly experience.

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Streamlining DevOps and Deployment

Do you want to optimize and streamline DevOps and deployment processes? The given coding prompts are for automating deployments, enhancing CI/CD pipelines, crafting monitoring and alerting strategies, implementing containerization, and proposing scaling strategies for efficient handling of high traffic.

42- Containerization Strategy with Dockerfile

Build a Dockerfile or containerization strategy for a [technology or language] application, enabling seamless deployment and management using containers.

43- Enhancing CI/CD Pipeline for Enhanced Efficiency

Recommend enhancements to an existing CI/CD pipeline for a [technology or language] project, enhancing the pipeline’s efficiency and effectiveness: [pipeline description or URL].

44- Automation Script for Application Deployment

Develop a [tool or script] to automate the deployment of a [technology or language] application to a [platform or cloud], ensuring a smooth and efficient deployment process.

45- Monitoring and Alerting Strategy for Web/Mobile App

Generate a robust monitoring and alerting strategy for a [mobile/web] app deployed on a [platform or cloud], ensuring optimal performance and immediate issue detection.

46- Scaling Strategy for High-Traffic Handling

Propose a scaling strategy for a [mobile/web] app to effectively handle [large-scale traffic or high throughput] on a [platform or cloud], ensuring optimal performance during peak loads.

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for API Documentation

If you know the following prompts, you can easily help yourself in creating the API documentation, where precision and clarity are the keys to successful integration and utilization.

47- Command-Line Tool Documentation

Produce the usage and functionality documentation of the provided [language] command-line tool, enabling users to harness its power with ease. [Your Code Snippet Here].

48- API Tutorial with Example Code

Develop a tutorial guiding users through the usage of the [language] API, enriched with example code to facilitate a smooth learning experience: [Your Code Snippet Here].

49- API Reference for Library/Framework

Generate a detailed API reference for the specified [language] library or framework, ensuring developers have all the information they need at their fingertips: [Your Code Snippet Here].

50- API Documentation Template

Generate a comprehensive API documentation template for the provided [language] code snippet, laying out the structure for seamless understanding and integration: [Your Code Snippet Here].

51- User Guide for the RESTful API

Create a user-friendly guide for utilizing the RESTful API powered by the provided [language] code snippet. Let’s ensure users navigate effortlessly: [Your Code Snippet Here].

Coding Prompts for Query Optimization and Database Performance

Enhancing query performance is an art, and you can master it with a keen eye on optimizing your queries and database schemas. This is what you can do with ChatGPT by using the given coding prompts.

52- SQL Query Indexing Assessment

Dive into the given SQL query, analyzing its structure, and suggesting proper indexing techniques to optimize database performance: [SQL query].

53- NoSQL Query Performance Comparison

Compare the performance of the provided NoSQL query using various NoSQL databases like Couchbase, Cassandra, and MongoDB, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses: [NoSQL query].

54- Schema Enhancement for Faster Queries

Propose improvements to the provided database schema, fine-tuning it to ensure lightning-fast query performance: [schema description].

55- GraphQL Query Performance Boost

Optimize the provided GraphQL query to enhance its performance, ensuring a snappy response time and efficient data retrieval: [GraphQL query].

Coding Prompts for Time-Series Query Optimization and Performance

Efficiently querying time-series data is crucial for deriving actionable insights. You can optimize and analyze your queries to ensure optimal performance and speed up the data retrieval process by using the provided coding prompts.

56- Performance Comparison Across Time-Series Databases

Compare the performance of the following time-series query using various time-series databases such as OpenTSDB, TimescaleDB, and InfluxDB. Uncover the differences in speed and efficiency: [time-series query].

57- Time-Series Query Optimization for Specific Databases

Optimize the given time-series query, tailoring it for a time-series database like TimescaleDB, InfluxDB, or others: [time-series query].

58- Partitioning and Indexing Strategies

Recommend appropriate partitioning or indexing strategies for the provided time-series database query, ensuring a streamlined querying experience: [time-series query].

59- Performance Analysis and Enhancement

Examine the provided time-series query for potential performance bottlenecks and suggest improvements to enhance its efficiency: [time-series query].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for User Interface Design Excellence

The following coding prompts help you in the tasks relevant to user interface design. These prompts let you create compelling and inclusive interfaces that captivate users.

60- UI Improvement Recommendations

Propose enhancements to the existing user interface of a specified [app or website] to elevate user engagement and usability.

61- Dashboard UI Mockup for Data Visualization

Design a UI mockup for a [web/mobile] dashboard that vividly visualizes [data or metrics], providing an intuitive user experience.

62- Inclusive UI Design for Accessibility

Generate a user interface for a [web/mobile] app with a strong focus on accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring usability for everyone.

63- UI Component Library for Consistent Design

Produce a comprehensive UI component library for a [web/mobile] app, adhering to a [design system or style guide] and supporting [theme or customization].

64- Collaborative App Wireframe

Build a wireframe for a [web/mobile] app that fosters user collaboration for a [specific use case], promoting a collaborative environment.

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Automated Testing Excellence

The given coding prompts are customized for creating comprehensive automated testing strategies and scripts to guarantee the stability and performance of your applications.

65- End-to-End Testing Strategy for Critical Workflows

Design an end-to-end testing strategy for a [web/mobile] app that meticulously covers critical user workflows, guaranteeing a seamless user experience: [critical user workflows].

66- Test Scenarios for Class or Module

Produce a set of comprehensive test scenarios for the specified [language] class or module, verifying its functionality and robustness: [code snippet].

67- Test Script for Code Testing

Create a test script for the provided [language] code that covers [functional or non-functional] testing, ensuring a robust and reliable application: [code snippet].

68- Test Suite for Library/Framework Validation

Generate a test suite for a [language] library or framework, validating its functionality and stability to enhance its reliability: [code snippet].

69- Performance Testing Strategy

Propose a performance testing strategy for a [web/mobile] app focusing on [latency, throughput, or resource usage], ensuring optimal performance.

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Algorithmic Brilliance and Development

Here are the coding prompts you can use to explore the power of algorithms to tackle complex problems and improve existing solutions for optimal performance and accuracy.

70- Machine Learning Algorithm Enhancement

Enhance the accuracy of the provided machine learning algorithm for a [specific use case] by proposing improvements or modifications to the [algorithm] or providing [pseudocode].

71- AI-Powered Algorithmic Solution

Suggest a machine learning or AI-based solution to enhance the performance of the specified algorithm, either by modifying the existing [algorithm] or providing [pseudocode].

72- Real-time Streaming Algorithm Development

Develop a streaming algorithm capable of processing [events or data] in real-time, addressing a [specific task or operation].

73- Heuristic Algorithm Design

Design a heuristic algorithm to effectively solve the provided [problem description], combining intuition and problem-solving skills.

74- Algorithm Trade-off Evaluation

Evaluate the trade-offs of the following algorithm concerning [accuracy, performance, or resource usage], providing insights into its strengths and weaknesses: [algorithm or pseudocode].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Programmer’s Tailored Learning

To personalize your learning journey, catering to your preferred learning style, time constraints, and aspirations, the following coding prompts are a great resource.

75- Personalized Learning Path

Suggest a learning path to help me become proficient in [specific programming technology or domain] considering my [time constraints and learning goals].

76- Learning Resources Based on Learning Style

Compile a list of resources to learn [programming language or technology] based on my preferred learning style [visual/auditory/kinesthetic].

77- Coding Skills Improvement Analysis

Identify areas of improvement in my coding skills based on the [language] project or repository I provided: [URL or project description].

78- Coding Challenges and Competitions

Propose coding challenges or competitions to enhance my skills in [programming technology or language].

79- Multimedia Resources for Specific Topics

Recommend videos, podcasts, and other multimedia resources directed to[specific concept or topic] in [programming technology or language].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Requirement Analysis

If you’re in search of highly tailored coding prompts for project requirements, dissecting them to recommend suitable technologies, devise a solid project plan, evaluate feasibility and risks, propose enhancements, and transform them into actionable user stories or use cases, the below-mentioned prompts are definitely for you.

80- Technology Stack or Tools Recommendation

Understand the provided project requirements and recommend an appropriate technology stack or tools to meet the outlined needs: [requirements description].

81- Feasibility and Risk Evaluation

Assess the feasibility and potential risks associated with the specified project requirements, providing insights to mitigate risks and enhance project success. [requirements description].

82- Detailed Project Plan with Milestones and Deliverables

Examine the following project requirements and suggest a comprehensive project plan, outlining milestones and deliverables to ensure a successful project outcome: [requirements description].

83- Conversion into Use Cases or User Stories

Convert the provided project requirements into use cases or user stories, enabling a more agile and user-centric approach to project development: [requirements description].

84- Enhancements for Better Performance, Maintainability, or User Experience

Recommend changes or improvements to the provided project requirements, aiming to enhance performance, user experience, and maintainability: [requirements description].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Machine Learning and AI

Here are coding prompts concerning machine learning and AI, for suggesting suitable algorithms, optimizing models, architecting pipelines, and proposing powerful deep learning architectures to tackle specific tasks and challenges.

85- Developing a Machine Learning Pipeline for a Domain Application

Develop a comprehensive machine learning pipeline for a [domain] application, encompassing [data preprocessing, model training, feature extraction, and evaluation].

86- Algorithm/Model Recommendation for Problem Solving

Recommend a machine learning algorithm or model to effectively solve the specified [problem description], tailored to meet the task at hand.

87- Suggesting a Deep Learning Architecture for a Task

Suggest a deep learning architecture tailored for [specific operation or task], reflecting specified [constraints or requirements].

88- Performance Enhancement for a Machine Learning Model

Enhance the performance of a provided machine learning model in [specific use case] by optimizing [the model] or providing a relevant [code snippet].

89- Developing a Deep Learning Architecture for Digit Classification

Suggest a deep learning architecture tailored for handwritten digit classification using the [dataset], reflecting the [constraints and requirements].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Fortifying Network and Security

The following coding prompts have been designed to scrutinize network architecture and code, identify potential security threats, fortify functions or modules, suggest performance and security improvements, design efficient protocols, and evaluate security in interactions with external services or APIs in order to shield the Digital Frontier.

90- Security and Performance Enhancements in Code or Configuration

Suggest enhancements to the specified [language] code or configuration to improve both network performance and security: [code snippet].

91- Security Analysis of Network Architecture or Design

Analyze the provided network architecture or design, identifying potential security vulnerabilities and suggesting mitigation strategies: [architecture or design description].

92- Designing an Efficient and Secure Protocol

Design an efficient and secure protocol tailored for [specific application or use case], focusing on bolstering security while optimizing performance.

93- Security Assessment of Code or Configuration with External Services/APIs

Assess the security of the provided [language] code or configuration when interacting with [external service or API], ensuring secure integration: [code snippet].

94- Building a Secure Module/Function

Compose a secure [language] module or function that performs [specific task or operation] while proactively blocking [security vulnerability or threat].

ChatGPT Coding Prompts for Conversational AI Chatbot

Here’re coding prompts for designing engaging chatbot interactions across various domains.

95- Information Provider Chatbot Script

Produce a conversational script for a chatbot that specializes in providing comprehensive information about a specific [topic or domain].

96- Reservation Chatbot Flow

Develop a conversational flow for a reservation chatbot, enabling users to seamlessly book their desired [type of reservation].

97- Personalized Recommendation Chatbot

Develop a chatbot capable of offering personalized recommendations for a [product or service] based on users’ preferences.

98- Intuitive Intent Recognition Chatbot

Implement a chatbot proficient in understanding and responding to user intents in a [specific context or domain].

99- Product/Service Comparison Chatbot

Generate a chatbot interaction that assists users in comparing and selecting the best [products or services] tailored to their unique needs.

100- Personalized Recommendation Chatbot

Develop a chatbot capable of offering personalized recommendations for a [product or service] based on users’ preferences.

FAQs Concerning Coding with ChatGPT

Coding with ChatGPT

How many lines of code can ChatGPT make?

ChatGPT’s capability to generate code snippets is not limited to a specific quantity. It can generate code snippets of varying lengths. The length of both short and long code snippets generated by ChatGPT depends on the user’s input or the requirements of a specific task.

Which GPT model is best for coding?

GPT-3 works perfectly fine for coding. However, GPT-4 does wonders. I found GPT-4 to be more smart and swift than GPT-3 and human developer when utilized for coding tasks. It offers solutions to those challenges in minutes which take hours for an average developer to get resolved.

How do I make ChatGPT a better programmer?

1- Ask for help when stuck on specific coding questions or decisions, as the AI can provide guidance and ideas.

2- Utilize it for debugging by showing it code snippets with errors or describing problems, and it can suggest potential solutions.

3- Request code formatting assistance from ChatGPT to ensure your code follows best practices and is well-structured.

4- Develop a chatbot capable of offering personalized recommendations for a [product or service] based on users’ preferences.

5- Practice problem-solving and coding by comparing your approach to ChatGPT’s solutions, gaining new insights and perspectives.

6- Assign repetitive or straightforward coding tasks to ChatGPT for efficiency, but always assess the quality of its output.

7- Always use customized prompts as described above to get the best coding solutions from ChatGPT.

Final Thoughts

You can rely on ChatGPT as your trusted AI coding assistant, accelerating your development journey. Whether you need an algorithm, function, or snippet, you can use ChatGPT to find solutions that can save you time and effort.

This AI coding assistant can play the role of a coding educator, explaining intricate coding concepts and demonstrating techniques. It’s a valuable resource for developers, aiding both novices and seasoned coders in expanding their knowledge.

While using ChatGPT 4 online as your coding assistant, it’s important to recognize that it’s not a substitute for human efforts. It may lack the extensive experience and contextual understanding of human coders. Thus, it’s most effective when used in collaboration with human expertise.

Nonetheless, it aids you to code fast and enhances your code quality when you use customized ChatGPT prompts for coding. Using tailor-made coding prompts which are given above, you can utilize AI capabilities to expedite your coding tasks and enrich your understanding of coding principles.

It’s a symbiotic relationship, where technology and human ingenuity join forces for enhanced coding endeavors.

Albert Haley

Albert Haley

Albert Haley, the enthusiastic author and visionary behind ChatGPT4Online, is deeply fueled by his love for everything related to artificial intelligence (AI). Possessing a unique talent for simplifying intricate AI concepts, he is devoted to helping readers of varying expertise levels, whether they are newcomers or seasoned professionals, in navigating the fascinating realm of AI. Albert ensures that readers consistently have access to the latest and most pertinent AI updates, tools, and valuable insights. His commitment to delivering exceptional quality, precise information, and crystal-clear explanations sets his blogs apart, establishing them as a dependable and go-to resource for anyone keen on harnessing the potential of AI. Author Bio