6 Improvements with GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI’s GPT Model

OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, has launched GPT-4 Turbo a, new model for ChatGPT that can pull information up to April 2023 and adheres to instructions better than GPT-4.

gpt 4 turbo

Now you can access a world where your friendly chatbot 4 turbo is not just a conversational partner but a versatile assistant, providing up-to-date information, understanding your detailed instructions, and even generating images at your request.

The future of chatbot technology is here, and it’s all thanks to OpenAI’s latest innovation, GPT-4 Turbo.

In this article, I’ll explore the remarkable 6 improvements that come with this new model, from its extended knowledge horizon to its improved prompt-following capabilities. Say goodbye to the limitations of the past, as ChatGPT evolves into an even more valuable companion in your digital life.

OpenAI has introduced some exciting updates to its artificial intelligence tools at their recent developer conference.

Two key highlights from OpenAI’s 1st developer event include a new tool for creating chatbots called GPTs and a fresh model called GPT-4 Turbo, representing a significant step forward in OpenAI’s advancements.

OpenAI has a track record of introducing new models for ChatGPT free online. Just earlier this year, they upgraded ChatGPT from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4.

If you’re wondering about the differences you can expect from this upcoming model of the GPT, we’re going to discover what lies in this advancement for us.

1- Prompts with Greater Context Length

GPT 4 Turbo has an upgraded limit of context length. As you know GPT-4 supports up to 8k or in some instances 32k tokens of context whereas “GPT-4 Turbo supports up to 128,000 tokens of context,” as Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, pointed out.

While tokens don’t directly equate to the number of words you can include in a prompt, Altman offered a helpful comparison, suggesting this new limit approximates the amount of text found in around 300 pages of a book. It’s probably 96000 to 75000 words of input and output text.  

So, whether you require the chatbot to analyze an extensive document and provide a summary or have other demanding tasks, you can now input a more substantial amount of information at once with this latest GPT model.

2- More Affordable Rates for Developers & Users

While it may not be the foremost consideration for most ChatGPT users, the cost of utilizing OpenAI’s application programming interface (API) can add up for developers. As Altman explained, ” So, the new pricing is 1 cent for 1000 prompt tokens and 3 cents for 1000 completion tokens.”

As 2 million developers are using API, so this translates to potential cost savings for developers when it comes to inputting information and obtaining responses with GPT-4 Turbo.

Although it seems to benefit developers more, it’ll also help ChatGPT Plus users a lot to use more tokens at cheaper rates.

Here is a comparison of the pricing of GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo.

As you can see, this newest GPT model is significantly cheaper than GPT-4 for both input and output tokens. This makes it more affordable for developers and businesses to use the model in their applications.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the cost savings because of this newest GPT model’s cheaper prices:

Here are some examples of how the cost savings from GPT 4 Turbo could be applied:

A chatbot that generates 10,000 tokens per day could save $50 per day by using GPT-4 Turbo instead of GPT-4.

A company that uses GPT-4 to generate marketing copy could save $10,000 per year by using this newest GPT model instead of GPT-4.

A research organization that uses GPT-4 to analyze data could save $100,000 per year by using GPT 4 Turbo instead of GPT-4.

You can see the cost savings can be significant, especially for larger tasks. This makes OpenAI’s latest GPT model a more affordable option for developers and businesses that need to use large language models in their applications.

3- Upgraded Knowledge Horizon with OpenAI’s Newest Model

ChatGPT’s limited knowledge cutoff date extends only up to September 2021, Whereas GPT 4 Turbo’s knowledge cutoff is April 2023. During the conference, Sam Altman acknowledged the collective frustration by stating, ” We are just as annoyed as all of you, probably more, that GPT-4’s knowledge about the world ended in 2021.”

The new model now incorporates information up to April 2023, allowing for more timely responses to your queries. Altman has committed to ensuring that ChatGPT’s knowledge remains current, signaling a shift away from the prior limitations.

However, with the “majorly improved” GPT 4 Turbo, an upgrade in the capabilities of the same model, OpenAI increased the knowledge cut-off time from April to Dec 2023.

Moreover, in OpenAI GPTs apps using the GPT 4 Turbo model, you can inject your own outside database or documents or information into whatever you’re building.

4- New Modalities Inside GPT-4 Turbo

Altman announced that DALL-E 3, GPT-4 with Vision, and Text to Speech technology all are going to be available inside GPT-4 Turbo API for anyone to utilize. By using them, you can create captions, images, classification, and analysis using the API of this latest GPT model.

OpenAI’s “text-to-speech tool can generate natural sounding audios for text in the GPT 4 Turbo API with 6 preset voices to choose from,” Altman said. Moreover, the speech recognition software called Whisper Version 3 is also included in these tools. Whisper V3 facilitates translating what you say into text.

Subscribers of ChatGPT Plus may have previously encountered the GPT-4 dropdown menu, allowing the selection of preferred chatbot tools. For instance, users could opt for the Dall-E 3 beta when seeking AI-generated images or the Browse with Bing version for internet links.

However, this dropdown menu is on the verge of retirement. Altman noted, ” We heard your feedback. That model picker was extremely annoying.”

The upgraded chatbot featuring this newest model of GPT will streamline tool selection, automatically choosing the appropriate tools to fulfill your requests. For instance, if you ask for an image, it’s expected to automatically employ Dall-E 3 to provide a response.

5- Enhanced Prompt Understanding

OpenAI affirms that this new model is designed to be a more attentive listener. According to the company’s blog post, ” GPT-4 Turbo performs better than our previous models on tasks that require the careful following of instructions, such as generating specific formats (e.g., ‘always respond in XML’)”.

This advancement may prove exceptionally beneficial for individuals who collaborate with the chatbot to write code or engage in tasks where precision is essential.

6- Giving Users More Control

The latest model of GPT gives a higher degree of control over model behavior. OpenAI has introduced a new feature inside this newest GPT model called JSON Mode “which ensures that the model will respond with valid JSON,” Altman said.

This new feature will not only facilitate calling APIs in a much easier way but also help with better function calling by allowing you to call more than one function at once.

Final Thoughts

The enhancements introduced, from its broader knowledge scope to its streamlined tool selection, promise to make our interactions with AI more automatic, engaging, and efficient. With the chatbot’s improved ability to understand and follow our instructions, the possibilities seem endless.

OpenAI’s dedication to making AI a better listener and a more effective assistant is a promising step forward in the world of AI technology, ensuring that we can confidently navigate our digital interactions in a world that’s ever-evolving.

Albert Haley

Albert Haley

Albert Haley, the enthusiastic author and visionary behind ChatGPT4Online, is deeply fueled by his love for everything related to artificial intelligence (AI). Possessing a unique talent for simplifying intricate AI concepts, he is devoted to helping readers of varying expertise levels, whether they are newcomers or seasoned professionals, in navigating the fascinating realm of AI. Albert ensures that readers consistently have access to the latest and most pertinent AI updates, tools, and valuable insights. His commitment to delivering exceptional quality, precise information, and crystal-clear explanations sets his blogs apart, establishing them as a dependable and go-to resource for anyone keen on harnessing the potential of AI. Author Bio